Cursor AI and other AI toolsI’ve been using Cursor AI at work to make an internal too to debug some issues in our system. It’s amazing what this thing can do when you…Feb 10Feb 10
الإنسان … ذلك المكلففكرة الفردية individualism وترتبط دائما بالحرية المطلقة اللي بتجيلنا دائما من الغرب غير صحيحة من الجهة الإسلامية في مواضع كثيرة لأن…Dec 5, 2023Dec 5, 2023
الهوية الإسلاميةأنا متابع شوية الحديث بين المصريين في الخارج على تويتر عن مشاكل العيشة في الخارج بالذات الغرب ومحاولتهم لإيجاد بدائل للعيشة بمبادئ…Nov 28, 2023Nov 28, 2023
Are Julia and Pluto the best way to teach programming?Pluto is a reactive notebook for the Julia programming language, its reactivity might be a great booster for teaching programmingNov 11, 2020Nov 11, 2020
How to unpivot a table in Google Sheets easilyAn easy trick that I discovered while trying to unpivot a table in google sheets was to use the array literal syntax …Nov 2, 20201Nov 2, 20201
An anonymous recursive function in ElixirAs I was experimenting in iex I needed to make a recursive anonymous function as I was lazy to write a module for just experimenting…Feb 2, 2018Feb 2, 2018
Letters from deep withinYou know son? I’ve always carried your bitterness in my inside and it has always filled me deep within until others told me to get rid of…Jul 3, 2016Jul 3, 2016
Let all of your grief be in silence to Allah (personal translation)Of all the stories of the followers comes to the story of Imam Hasan of Basra, which I can’t forget forever, and on top of what I’m…May 13, 2016May 13, 2016
Ignorance and GenomicsI’ve had sometimes the thought that in this era we are almost on the edge of science and there will be no ground shaking discoveries in the…May 10, 2016May 10, 2016